Hydrogen Water
Hydrogen Water
Known as maybe the best antioxidant today.
Known as maybe the best antioxidant today.
Clean Water
Clean Water
Tested and Certified by SGS
Tested and Certified by SGS
Awesome Taste
Awesome Taste
Smooth and Clean
Smooth and Clean
pH Balance
pH Balance
The optimal blood oxygen level is when your pH is at 7.2-7.4
The optimal blood oxygen level is when your pH is at 7.2-7.4
Micro Clustered
Micro Clustered
Increasing hydration by more that 70%
Increasing hydration by more that 70%
Micro Nutrients - Calcium, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium
Micro Nutrients - Calcium, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium
HYDROGEN WATER: The only technology that uses no power and makes 1.4-1.6 mg/l of hydrogen water.Hydrogen water is the best Anti-oxidant. Drinking 1 L of hydrogen water from Spring Aqua water has theequivalent anti-oxidant value of eating 750+ bananas, or 35+ carrots, or 4 bags of spinach.
HYDROGEN WATER: The only technology that uses no power and makes 1.4-1.6 mg/l of hydrogen water.Hydrogen water is the best Anti-oxidant. Drinking 1 L of hydrogen water from Spring Aqua water has theequivalent anti-oxidant value of eating 750+ bananas, or 35+ carrots, or 4 bags of spinach.
MICRO CLUSTERED WATER: The best way to explain micro-clustered water is when consuming 5 glassesof Spring Aqua water, we do not feel bloated. Average tap water and bottled water have 15-20 moleculesin 1 cluster of water. Spring Aqua has 1-2 molecules in 1 cluster of water. This technology that mimics theECO system improves hydration by over 70%, which is important for skin quality, hair quality, and personalhealth.
MICRO CLUSTERED WATER: The best way to explain micro-clustered water is when consuming 5 glassesof Spring Aqua water, we do not feel bloated. Average tap water and bottled water have 15-20 moleculesin 1 cluster of water. Spring Aqua has 1-2 molecules in 1 cluster of water. This technology that mimics theECO system improves hydration by over 70%, which is important for skin quality, hair quality, and personalhealth.
TASTE: With 100% 5-star reviews on Yelp, over 100 Facebook Reviews in Spring Aqua Private Reviews, andalmost 500 members on the Facebook private reviews group, TASTE, Consistency, and customer service isa top Priority for Spring Aqua.
TASTE: With 100% 5-star reviews on Yelp, over 100 Facebook Reviews in Spring Aqua Private Reviews, andalmost 500 members on the Facebook private reviews group, TASTE, Consistency, and customer service isa top Priority for Spring Aqua.
MOST COMPLETE SYSTEM: This is the most complete system in the world providing clean drinking waterwith filters localized by region from soft water, hard water, well water, sea water, and even extremelydirty water. It brings life back into water by adding minerals, hydrogen, pH balance, and micro-clusteredwater.
MOST COMPLETE SYSTEM: This is the most complete system in the world providing clean drinking waterwith filters localized by region from soft water, hard water, well water, sea water, and even extremelydirty water. It brings life back into water by adding minerals, hydrogen, pH balance, and micro-clusteredwater.
Spring Aqua, 14 filters clean water technology is an under the sink system, professionally installed with a stainless steel faucet that is 316 L (Medical Grade) with a right and left side. Right side faucet produces 9.0-9.5 pH water and 1.4-1.6 mg/l of hydrogen water. Left side faucet produces 7.2-7.4 pH water and far infrared technology water. Both faucets produce clean water technology removing chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chromium 6, fluoride, and most contaminants.
Spring Aqua, 14 filters clean water technology is an under the sink system, professionally installed with a stainless steel faucet that is 316 L (Medical Grade) with a right and left side. Right side faucet produces 9.0-9.5 pH water and 1.4-1.6 mg/l of hydrogen water. Left side faucet produces 7.2-7.4 pH water and far infrared technology water. Both faucets produce clean water technology removing chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chromium 6, fluoride, and most contaminants.
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Just Drink Water
Just Drink Water
The information presented on this website is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be taken as a substitute for properly informed medical advice. Please consult your doctor or the appropriate licensed practitioner before beginning any health, exercise or diet regimen, especially if you are dealing with an existing or suspected condition that could be adversely affected.
The information presented on this website is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be taken as a substitute for properly informed medical advice. Please consult your doctor or the appropriate licensed practitioner before beginning any health, exercise or diet regimen, especially if you are dealing with an existing or suspected condition that could be adversely affected.